February 22, 2022 - Malta Middle School Music Festival - Welcome to all the schools and participants - a schedule was sent home last week with all students and their performance times.
almost 3 years ago, Malta School
It's National FFA Week - Did you know the FFA association was formed in 1928? FFA is an organization for students interested in all aspects of agriculture. Mrs. Murphy is Malta School's FFA leader. Thank you Mrs. Murphy!
almost 3 years ago, Malta School
Here is the bracket for the Boys Northern B Divisional BB Tournament in Glasgow. Go Big Blue!
almost 3 years ago, Malta Schools
boys bracket
Congratulations to Mustangs on there 2nd place finish at the district tournament. They will face Fairfield on 2/24 at 6:30 pm in Glasgow in the 1st round of the divisional tournament.
almost 3 years ago, Malta Schools
2022 District 2B Champions
almost 3 years ago, Malta Schools
Here are the brackets for the district basketball tournament in Glasgow Feb. 17-19. Both the Mustangs and M-ettes are the #1 seed.
almost 3 years ago, Malta Schools
girls basketball bracket
boys basketball bracket
Feb. 18-21 is Winter Break. There will be no school.
almost 3 years ago, Malta Schools
winter break
The HS Jazz Combo will present "A Night at the Jazz Club", Feb. 15 at 7:00 PM.
about 3 years ago, Malta Schools
jazz concert
Northeast Arts Network performance of "Acoustic Eidolon" is Feb. 14 at 7:00 PM in the Auditorium.
about 3 years ago, Malta Schools
BB at Shelby, Feb. 12. Girls JV at 1:00pm, Boys JV at 2:30 pm, Girls Varsity 4:00pm, Boys Varsity at 5:30pm.
about 3 years ago, Malta Schools
Good luck to MHS Wrestlers competing at state today and tomorrow at Metra Park at Billings.
about 3 years ago, Malta Schools
BB vs Poplar, Feb. 11. JV girls at 3:00. JV boys at 4:30. Varsity girls at at 6:00. Varsity boys at 7:30.
about 3 years ago, Malta Schools
Attached is the 8th grade middle school boys basketball bracket. Our Mustangs play at 12:00. Good Luck!! **There will be no Malta 7th grade team this weekend**
about 3 years ago, Malta School
Middle school wrestling practice - Monday, February 14th - 4:00-5:30 @ wrestling center. Coaches: Trey Simanton & Nolan Simanton. Athletes are required to have physicals and ImPact test prior to practicing.
about 3 years ago, Malta School
The 2022 MHS Yearbook sponsorship drive is underway! Your contributions will cover the cost of design software, printing, and updated camera equipment. Any amount is welcome, and all businesses who donate $50 or more will receive an annual. Contact any yearbook staff member for details, or email us at rcrasco@maltaschools.org.
about 3 years ago, Malta Schools
Phillips County Spelling Bee Champion!
about 3 years ago, Malta School
Thank you to the HS Band and Choir and Mr. Engebretson and Mrs. Murdock for a great concert tonight. We are proud of our music program!
about 3 years ago, Malta Schools
Parent -Teacher Conferences are happening NOW! Feb. 8 until 7 PM. HS Band and Choir concert will follow tonight at 7 PM. If you can't make it tonight, you have a 2nd chance on Thursday, Feb. 10 from 4-7 PM. At the HS/MS, all of your teachers are in one spot in the Gym.
about 3 years ago, Malta Schools
HS/MS Parent-Teacher Conferences are Feb. 8 & 10 from 4-7 pm. All teachers will be in the gym for your convenience. Please use the East door (by the library).
about 3 years ago, Malta Schools
Today at Malta Middle School, we are celebrating being 100 days smarter!!
about 3 years ago, Malta School